GBC (Gastown Business College)

GBC (Gastown Business College)

This school prepare our student to succeed in their chosen industry both in their practicums and fututher careers. we deliver an educational experience to transform student , supplementing and reinforcing skills needed for student futures.



GBC is locate in Gastown. This school is famous for  specialized in internship.Course content is focused on practice,student get skills which communication, Business manner, Business English


What's New

Key Point

  1. get experience at Canadian company
  2. Reference letter is published by Canadian company,When you do job hunting it is advantagious
  3. possible to improve business skill at business sean




INSIST 12 (12 weeks)
INSIST 24(24 weeks)

School Overview

Nationality Japanese Korean

Address 73 Water street Vancouver BC

phone 604 642 0411

School Map

73 Water Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 49.2839699, -123.10583250000002