Have you thought about applying for post secondary education in Canada without having to
submit a high English score?! This would have been impossible a couple of years ago.
In order to accept you, every colleges or universities would have asked you to take a difficult
English proficiency test. Now we have the Pathway Program. A completely new way of
getting into some of the best schools in Canada!
Pathway Programs are a partnership program between ESL schools, and Canadian colleges,
making the transition from international student – to full-time student smoother and much
less painful!

Image result for academic pathway program
There are 5 reasons why a pathway program is good for you:
1. No pressure to submit an IELTS or TOEFL score when applying for a university or
2. The Academic preparations class will help you immensely with writing essays, and
doing research at university.
3. Most institutions give priority to students who go through the Pathways program.
Which means students don’t have to worry about “first come, first serve basis
4. Students go directly to the University once finished with their ESL studies.
5. Before the students apply to the Pathway Program, they are submit an English test in
order to estimates how long it will take before they can go to university.
VGC and KAPLAN are the only ESL schools that have a Pathway program agreement with
Some differences between KAPLAN and VGC
At VGC students who reach the last English level transfer to the BCIT english program called
ISEP 600. This takes them two months to transfer directly to post secondary programs at
BCIT. At KAPLAN student can transfer directly to BCIT post secondary programs. Either
way, student don’t have to spend extra money to register in the IELTS or TOEFL tests.

Are you interested to know more about one of the Pathway programs ?
Send an email to info@kimokran.ca