The New, and Improved Global College
Offering more choices, and better quality than ever!

Global College has just moved and will begin offering new programs.
We were invited to an open house party by Global college . How is it?
So what’s new?

Global College has just started offering a new, PiELTS class
This PiELTS focuses not only on speaking, but Academic reading and writing
skills as well!

This is great news for anyone planning to take the IELTS test, or prepare for a
university or college education in Canada, or both!

You should choose Global College’s IELTS Preparation course to increase your

chances of getting accepted into college or university, or to

successfully immigrate to Canada!
The P.S.T. or “Power Speaking Program,” is the most popular of all courses!

● Class sizes are small, so you get more interaction and feedback from
your teacher = higher quality education
● you will work on, and improve your discussion and debate skill
● it is an intensive class, so you will improve your English in the shortest
time possible!
If you would like to know more please contact Mariko for details





